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It Never Stops: Democrats Continue to Push Ludicrous Russian Collusion Theories

Democrats have become masters at pushing ridiculous assumptions about Republicans and President Trump on America. Their latest outrageous gambit is that President Trump knew about Russian bounties on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan AND he failed to do anything about it.

Whichever half of that assumption may be true or false, it is based on absurdity. Democrats’ assertation is that President Trump isn’t willing to protect or is not concerned about our troops fighting overseas. Not only is this absurd, but there is plenty of evidence contradicting this premise. President Trump has made the U.S. military stronger, and even those who don’t like his foreign policy would be forced to acknowledge his buildup and modernization of our military—with bipartisan backing of Congress.

That would be after 8 years of a Democrat administration’s neglect. Democrats, from Jimmy Carter through Barack Obama, have always viewed the military as a necessary evil, best suited for meals-on-wheels disaster recovery overseas operations in places like Bangladesh.


Ask the troops. Earlier this year, President Trump increased military men and women’s pay by 3.1 percent. This was the highest since 2010. Since 2010, and for six consecutive years, the annual military pay raise was less than 2 percent, barely keeping up with inflation.

Also, President Trump enjoyed a 2 to 1 margin in popularity from members of our military over Hillary in the last election. And they still love the guy. They have in the past and still do support President Trump in greater numbers than those of the general population. The principal reason is that President Trump sees no upside in continuing those forever wars in the Middle East.

So, in the delirious dreams of Democrats and their hyena press, the idea that President Trump would stand by and let the Russian Vlad the Impaler take out contracts on our troops tracks with them. After all, didn’t the Russians help Trump steal the election from the faint-prone pants-suit lady? Makes sense to them.

Their next jump is that this could end up with the President’s resignation. Rather than dropping out, like forked-tongue James Carville blithely predicted. And like the predictable numbskulls they are, dopey pundits are reciting that hackneyed and stupid mantra, “What did he know, and when did he know it?”

President Trump denies ever having been briefed over any Russian plot to pay the Taliban to kill American soldiers. Besides the fact that the Taliban does that kind of stuff for free—when they are hiding like rats from drone strikes—if the Russian intelligence guys were floating cash in Afghanistan, it is far more plausible that they would do it through an untraceable third party.

Next, it could be true that President Trump found out what was going on and sent some rough men to do some very bad things to anyone involved. In any case, he is not about to disclose intelligence sources and methods.

If there is any doubt about President Trump’s willingness to rub out those who want to kill our people, just ask the Iranian Mullahs. Iran has actually issued an arrest warrant for President Trump because of the drone strike that made ground salami out of Iranian terrorist general Qasem Soleimani. You would think that group of dunderheaded clerics would be more grateful that Donald didn’t burn down their country.

So, what’s next? Probably inquiries and hit jobs by the Democrat’s most powerful backer: the mainstream media. CNN, NBC, The New York Times and others will run hit piece after hit piece trying to convince normal Americans that Orange Man Bad.  Maybe that master of manipulation Adam Schiff will find some other roly-poly army staffer who heard from a friend of a friend about a fact-finding mission to Afghanistan.

Democrats madness continues…

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